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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hooked on Crochet

Let's begin with how I started my obsession...

I decided that I was going to learn to crochet and knit because I wanted a casual hobby. I wanted to learn both because one of my grandmas crochets and one knits. Both gave me supplies to start. There was an informal class at my local university in late March 2010 for crochet 101. I figured I would start there. I was super excited and motivated to learn...My first class ended with me in tears. I couldnt even hold that darn crochet hook right, and don't even get me started on the stupid yarn. I figured that I was toast...done...defeated. I would just move on to knitting, it has to be easier rignt? I was in complete despair. Crochet was obviously not for me, right?...but I forgot to mention one little detail...

I am incredibly stubborn sometimes.

So...I went home, wiped the tears and stayed up for 4 hours straight until the wee hours of the morning until I could finally make a chain with ease...

and then...

I was hooked on crochet.

I havent stopped since.

Every day I crochet for at least 30 mins, and am in love with the Japanese art of Amigurumi.

Here is a picture of my 1st completed

I finished this cute kitten within
my 1st month of learning crochet.

I am currently working on my 16th project since March 30th.

I don't know if I will ever move on to learn knitting (sorry Nana)....only time will tell. For now I am enjoying my new hobby of crochet.

Check me out on Ravelry: