Help Joe Get a New Pancreas

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WIPW: Week 19

This week's WIPW blog is going to be short and sweet, as I spent most of my time this week devoted to my Luigi WIP.

Well....Good news...I finished 2 more xmas projects from last week! FO=Luigi, and Ami secret swap. Bad news=I have decided to scrap my dolly project for my little cousin :( I have simply just run out of time. I plan on making the gift for her for her birthday, tho, so all is not lost. Now on to the FO's:

XMAS GIFT #6: (FO....finally!)


I stayed up until around 4:30am to finish (well, mostly finish...he still needs his suspender buttons) the Luigi FO which has been haunting me for over a month now.

....and here he is: (I still have the buttons to sew on the front of his suspenders, and plan to do so today)



Luigi side view

Luigi Back view
I am pleased that he came out as well as he did! I originally had plans to make his counterpart, Mario, so the dynamic duo could be opened together, but I simply ran out of time before xmas. Stay tuned in the coming months, however, as I will make Mario soon!

Super secret Ami Swap project

I am sad to say that I can't post pics of this one here, until the package is received in the mail. Stay tuned until after XMAS when I make the big reveal. I will say that the swap was a ton-o-fun and I am super excited about what I created!

My goal for this week is to finish the last of my crocheted XMAS gift, and here are the details:


I plan on making a set of xmas ornaments for one of my grandmothers, Nana. She really enjoyed the dove ornamenent I made for her for her bday, so I figured I would make her a few more. Maybe it can be a yearly ritual to make a new ornament each year! That might be fun. I am thinking I  might make her a Snowman ornament (using the snowman head from my FO in this blog.) and an angel ornament for sure!

This is a gift that I have had on my to do list for a while now. I have a good friend, Robert, who was an Eastern Orthodox priest. He wears a skull cap daily. It is similar to a Yarmulke of the jewish faith, but it a bit larger, yet smaller than a beanie hat. I have a bit longer to make this project since christmas is after the 1st of January in his faith.

Good luck to all of you out there who are in crunch time to finish up those WIP's before XMAS! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!


Thanks for reading! See you next week :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

12 days of Handmade Holiday Giveaways: Day 7 featuring Yarn Harvest!!

So I love to blog about special yarn/craft/crochet/knitting giveaways from others blogs! I think these giveaways are not only a good way to receive AWESOME handmade gifts, but they are also a wonderful outlet to connect with other crafters, and local businesses! So, I was SUPER excited when I came across this giveaway on the blog Think Liz and that the giveaway was from Yarn Harvest. For those who may not know about the company, here is a bit about them:

Yarn Harvest is an eco-friendly yarn company located right here in Austin, TX (my hometown :)) that specializes in taking second-hand sweaters and frogging them, "to make new, affordable, high-quality yarn products." Super awesome right? This eco-friendly company is truly inovative, and is taking green steps for our environment. According to their website,  "Every year, thousands of pounds of sweaters are discarded. Some get donated to charity; the rest end up in landfills across the U.S." Never thought about it, right? I for one am glad that Yarn Harvest has. Here is a mission statement of sorts from their site:

"Here at Yarn Harvest, we pride ourselves on our environmentally friendly status. We're also a pretty creative bunch, and by combining the two, we've found a way that gives those old sweaters a second chance. Through Yarn Harvest yarns — proudly produced in Central Texas — we offer you the chance to turn this yarn into your own, new creations."

So, needless to say I am proud that Yarn Harvest is stationed in my home town, and that Liz of Think Liz, was thoughtful enough to include their product as a giveaway on her blog.

Here are the details of the contest from Think Liz:

"Here are the two beautiful hanks of yarn – itching to be turned into something new!"

Yarn Harvest giveaway yarn
 So here are the details of entering the contest. Make sure you hop on over to Think Liz' blog and do this! I already have ;)

"So how do you enter for Day 7? Three different ways:
  1. Leave me a comment and tell me what you would do with this yarn – gift it away, make a scarf, you know, something along those lines.
  2. Reblog the giveaway and leave me a separate comment with the link.
  3. Subscribe to my blog via RSS Reader or e-mail and leave me another separate comment saying you subscribed (top left corner of the blog) or tell me that you already subscribe.
What are you waiting for? Enter now because this giveaway will end on Monday, December 13th at 10pm. This item will only be shipped to a winner within the US."

WIPW: Week 18

Man....I was reaaaaalllllly hoping I would have more XMAS gifts finished to show this week, but alas...I only finished two, and not my Luigi :( Now it is crunch time. It is only a few weeks until XMAS, and I still have 4 gifts to complete!!! Argh! That means I have to finish two this week, and start/finishtwo next week! I am sure I can do it! Now on to the good stuff!

XMAS GIFT #6: (WIP...cont)

Even though I did not complete the Luigi project I have been working on, I did make further progress. Here are a few pictures, and some side notes of the work I did complete this week.

'Luigi' sideburns


'Luigi' Hat

'Luigi' Hat Logo
The original pattern called for cutting the 'L' out of green felt. I still have not gotten completely comfortable with cutting small pieces of felt, so I opted for using 3D puffy paint to create the 'L' on the circle for the hat logo.


'Luigi' Hair

The hair piece is to be attached to the back of the head at the base of the hat, so it appears that the hair is peeking out from the bottom of the hat.

'Luigi' head with facial details

Once again, the pattern called for cutting small pieces of felt for the eye embellishments. I did cut the white ovals out of felt, but then used 3D paint to add the eye details on top of the white of the eye. I think it turned out just as well.


'Luigi' Head complete

Now I just need to assemble the head, body, legs, and arms, and then...."It's a L-U-I-G-I!!!"


I am proud to say that I did finish my Snowman this past week. I think he turned out adorable!

Snowman body

Snowman with facial details

Snowman Hat

Snowman Arms

Snowman Scarf


Snowman Scarf 'poms'

....and now for the FO!


And now for a list of my upcoming projects!:


I plan on making a little baby doll for my cousin Katrina. She just turned 2 years old and she just loves taking care of her babies. If I have time I plan on making a 2nd Hello Kitty purse to go with the baby doll.


I plan on making a set of xmas ornaments for one of my grandmother Nana. She really enjoyed the dove ornamenent I made for her for her bday, so I figured I would make her a few more. Maybe it can be a yearly ritual to make a new ornament each year! That might be fun. I am thinking I  might make her a Snowman ornament (using the snowman head from my FO in this blog.) and an angel ornament for sure!


This is a gift that I have had on my to do list for a while now. I have a good friend, Robert, who was an Eastern Orthodox priest. He wears a skull cap daily. It is similar to a Yarmulke of the jewish faith, but it a bit larger, yet smaller than a beanie hat. I have a bit longer to make this project since christmas is after the 1st of January in his faith.


I can't talk about this one on my blog, since it is super duper secret....tee hee....and just in case a certain someone is reading ;)

Thanks for reading! Now....back to crocheting!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WIPW: Week 17

Well this week has been a bit busy, so I havent had a ton of time to work on my ever-growing Xmas gift lists, but I did have a bit of time last nite to at least get a few things done....WHEW!!!

1st things 1st:


I am proud to say that I FINALLY finished the Hello Kitty purse I have been blogging about the last coupla weeks! It was a challenging project for me because it incorporated a little bit of sewing, including snap attachments and purse lining. I have never practiced much with sewing, my only experience comes from a bit of knowledge in cross-stitch! I am proud to say, that while it is far from perfect, it turned out OK, and now I am a "tad" more comfortable with stitching by hand.

Here is a pic of the lining and snap attached leading up to the FO:
Lining and snap button detail for inside of Hello Kitty Purse

...and the FO!

Hello Kitty Purse: FO
 I also was able to finish a few more components for my Luigi (from the famous SuperMario Bros) Ami. I really wanted to be able to finish this project up this week, but there wasn't enough time. Next week I should be able to finish up the last few components (1 leg, the hat, and the hair/sideburns) and assemble the Ami!!

XMAS GIFT #6: (WIP...cont)


Luigi Leg


Luigi Shoe


Luigi Leg with Shoe attached


Luigi Suspenders


Luigi Arms/Gloves



I decided on making a little snowman Ami for one of my grandmothers for Xmas as well. Christmas is a big holiday in my family and my grandmother never skimps on the holiday decorations. This little snowman will be perfect for a table centerpiece or just to place on the mantle. I think she will like it. I started this late late last night, so I was only able to complete the head with the safety eyes attached, minus the facial details. I am once again using I am using Lion Brand Wool-Ease Glitter yarn in White/Multi for the scarf project. It is a perfect holiday yarn with that touch of glitter/shimmer!

Snowman Ami


Well...that about wraps it up for me this week. I am glad I accomplished finishing the Hello Kitty purse! It is going to be a great gift for my lil cuz! Hopefully next week I will have a Luigi and a Snowman FO!!!
Thanks for reading!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

WIPW: Week 16

Another week...Another WIP!!!

Well....1st things 1st....

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! Be safe and have a wonderful Holiday Week :)
I finished my 1st scarf ever!!! If you read along last week I ventured into scarf making territory. It seemed simple enough, but I was still a bit nervous because all I crochet these days tends to be Amigurumi. I think it turned out neat. Here is a pic:



Tulips Scarf

It is folded over so it is actually twice as long as the picture shows, but I didnt have a model tonight to get the full length in a photo. The scarf measures 65".

Now for a bit of advice for any readers out there.

The pattern calls for 'blocking' the scarf. From what I have read it is advantageous to block a scarf for the following reasons:
  1. Reduce curling, straighten edges and make sewing up easier.
  2. Get rid of slight variations in length or width between two pieces that should match.
  3. Open out a fabric, such as lace, to show off the patterning.
  4. Smooth the surface of the knitting and make the stitches more even.
  5. Adjust the shape of the finished garment or reshape it after washing.
'Blocking' scarf consists of the following steps: (Thanks to Salihan Crafts for the tutorial)


You’ll need wool detergent, a sink, washing machine, pillow case, a large flat surface like a bed and rust-proof pins.

1. Wash

Fill tub or sink with warm water and add a little wool detergent. (Check the bottle label for exact measurement.) Soak scarf in warm soapy water for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, roll the scarf gently while still in the water and pick it up in your hand. Make sure to support it well. Place aside.

2. Rinse

Empty tub and refill with lukewarm water. Place scarf back into the water and unroll. Swoosh the scarf around lightly in the water.

3. Spin

Get your pillowcase ready. Roll the scarf underwater and pick it up in your hands. Squeeze as much water out as possible. Place rolled-up scarf into a corner of the pillowcase (I use a bolster case). Tie a knot so that the scarf is squashed into the corner and will not move around. Set washing machine into spin cycle. Spin on fast speed.

4. Blocking

Carry the pillowcase to a large flat surface like a clean bed. Take the scarf out and unroll it onto the bed. Carefully stretch the wet knitted scarf out onto the bed to about the width and length that you want. You may wish to stop at this point if you are satisfied with the way it looks and leave the scarf to dry completely.
However, you may need to pin the knitted scarf in place to really show the pattern and get the right size. This is especially so in lace knitting. Using rust-proof or dressmakers’ pins, pin along the edges of the damp scarf. Use as many pins as needed to keep the edges straight and even. Dry the scarf completely before removing pins. You have successfully blocked a scarf!

  1. Is it necessary to block a crocheted scarf?
  2. Can blocking a scarf distort the pattern by stretching the material out?
  3. How much longer will the scarf stretch to after blocking? Mine is already measured at 65" and I am worried that if I block the scarf it will reach to the floor
If anyone has any suggesstions let me know :)

Now onto my new WIPs:

XMAS GIFT #3: (WIP...cont)

I havent made a ton of progress on this from last week, because I had to go to the fabric store to get some material to line the purse, and a snap closure. I did get the back panel finished tho! All I have left is to sew the lining to the insides of the front/back panels, sew on the snap, and complete the strap. I should have it finished by next WIPW!

Here is a pic of the back panel and the lining material I picked out:

Purse lining/snaps

Hello Kitty purse back panel

XMAS GIFT #6 & #7: (WIP)

For my Nephew I have decided to make everyones favorite Italian brotherly duo....Nintendo's Super Mario Brothers...Mario & Luigi! He is really into the late 80s cartoon, The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!

Yes...the one starring "Captain" Lou Albano as Mario for those of you who remember the show.

I once again have fallen back on utilizing patterns from Linda Potts of WolfDreamer off the Hook. Linda has some AMAZING videogame and cartoon related designs on Ravelry and her site. If you have a chance I highly recommend you stop by and browse her work.


'Luigi' picture from

This image is an illustration of a character or characters in a comic book, video game, or animated television program or film. The copyright for it is most likely held by either the publisher/producer and/or artist(s) producing the work in question. It is believed that the use of low-resolution images of character artwork:

for commentary on the character or characters in question,

on the English-language blog: qualifies as fair use under United States copyright law. Any other uses of this image, on this blog or elsewhere, may be copyright infringement.

Here are a few pics of my progress so far on the Luigi Ami:

Luigi Head (minus details)

Luigi Torso

Luigi Nose

Luigi Ears

Luigi mustache


The Crochet Ring Bracelet is something that I have made before, and is one of my favorite gifts to make for the women in my family. It is super simple, consisting of only sc's into the center of an 'o' ring,  and doesnt take very long to make.


Crochet thread
(I like to use Omega Hilo 100% Nylon thread)
Plastic 'o' rings
small amount of jewelery wire (for clasp)
Here is a picture of the WIP followed by a picture of a FO of a previously made crochet ring bracelet

Crochet Ring Bracelet WIP

Previous FO -- Crochet Ring Bracelet

Well....that about does it for this week! Whew....
Hopefully I will have finished my Hello Kitty Purse, Luigi, and Crochet Ring Bracelet by next Wed, and be ready to start on my Mario!

See you next week, and thanks for reading!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plush Team November Giveaway is time for yet another Plush Team giveaway! It has been awhile since I posted about the Plush Team site....but I have not forgotten how awesome it is! Woo Hoo! If you are not familiar with their SHOULD be! Hop on over there now...

Here is a bit about The Plush Team from their site:

"Etsy Plush Street Team is a group of artists supporting and furthering ideas behind plush dolls, toys and all the soft areas in between."



The Etsy Plush Street Team, Plush Team, hosts a monthly giveaway on their site. These monthly giveaways are a great way to showcase/feature the works of the AMAZING craftsters of the group. They are well worth entering as I one the August Giveaway myself! Here is what was delivered to my doorstep!!!

Agnes The Magpie
 Cute right?

So here is a bit about the November giveaway:

"The November giveaway is really something to be thankful for! This month, Leanna, of Plush Goodness is hosting the team giveaway with an adorable Lavender Cat! Lavender Cat loves to get into a bit of mischief, whether it's sitting on your computer keyboard, or unrolling and tangling a ball of yarn. So if you don't mind a little bit of mischief, Lavender would love to come and live at your house."

Made from fleece, with soft flannel tummy and ear patches, felt eyes and nose, and hand embroidered whisker and mouth details. Lavender measures 7.25 inches (18.5cm) tall by 7 inches (18cm) wide

Lavender Cat
She is truly adorable!

So what do you need to call Lavender your own? Just visit the Plush Goodness shop and then fill out this form.

But Wait! You can earn even more chances to win!

  • Become a Plush Team blog follower. If you're a new follower, let us know that you joined when you complete the form. If you're already following us, you can let us know that too and score one extra entry!
  • Follow the Plush Team on Facebook and/or Twitter. Again, let us know when you fill out the form if you're a new follower or an old friend and you'll receive one extra entry for each follow.
  • Tweet this giveaway. Make sure to give us a link to your tweet when you fill out the form to get one extra entry
  • Repost the giveaway on Facebook. Make sure to give us a link to your Facebook post when you fill out the form to get one extra entry.
  • Blog this giveaway. For an extra TWO entries, tell folks about this giveaway in your blog. Please make sure to use the Lavender's photo in your post and leave us a link when you fill out the entry form to get your entries.
  • Buy something from Plush Goodness or the Plush Team shop during the month of November. Get another FIVE chances to win by making a purchase from Plush Goodness or the Plush Team shop. Don't forget to let us know which new piece of plushie love you're calling your own!

Contest ends November 29, 2010!!!

What are you waiting for...hop on over to Plush Team and check it out!!!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

WIPW: Week 15

Welcome back to my Work-In-Progress Wednesday Blog!!

I have been a furious crocheter this week!! I feel like I am finally back on track with all my 'stalled' projects which have been arranged according to deadlines starting with upcoming birthdays, xmas, and then special requests from friends/clients. I have been able to finish a few outstanding projects and start on a few more. I am sure that you other crafters out there are also in 'crunch-time' to whip up all those xmas gifts, right? I have made a pact with myself to work on a project every night, even if it is for just for a short while. I have also been toting my things around with me, so I can crochet before/after my shifts at work. I feel that as long as I have a hook and some yarn with me, I am more motivated/inclined to work a coupla stitiches in my down time. This has enabled me to move ahead on the many WIPs I have going.

1st things 1st:

FO from last weeks WIPW blog week 14:



"I am also working on a few beanies for christmas. I usually make Amigurumi, so this is a new venture. I am using Caron's Simply Soft in Watermelon for this girls beanie. The pattern was found as a free download on Ravelry by Rebecca Averill."

And here is the FO:
'Bonita Hat'

'Bonita Hat: Modeled by Joshua S. Fields'



I started this week on a scarf for a white elephant swap for xmas. As I have mentioned before, I mostly crochet Amigurumi, so the venture into hats and scarfs is new territory for me. It is an exciting venture, and so far is going really well. For this WIP I have adapted a pattern made available on Ravelry by Julie Schramm of Noolie Knits called Tulips Hat & Scarf pattern available for free as a link on Ravelry. I have started on the scarf 1st, and providing I have time I will make the companion hat.

I am using Lion Brand Wool-Ease Glitter yarn in White/Multi for the scarf project, and a standard size 'I' crochet hook. This yarn was gifted to me recently in a stash swap, and I decided it would be a nice winter/xmas yarn for a scarf. The yarn is a lamb's wool blend, and is working beautifully for the project.

Here are a couple of pictures of the WIP as it stands today:
'Tulips Scarf'

'Tulips Scarf (detail)'



I am super excited about this project that I came across on Ravelry. I am making the purse for my 5 year old cousin for Xmas. I have a feeling that when it is done and opened on Xmas that I will be making a few more for birthdays, ect. It is just too adorable! Thanks to Melinda Miller of Melinda Miller Designs for the free pattern download on Ravelry. You can find a link to the pattern here.

I am using Caron Simply Soft yarn in the following colors:

White #9701 (face)
Black #9727  (edging and facial details)
Watermelon 9501 (bow)


Hobby Lobby I Love This Cotton! in the following color:

#12 Buttercup (flower and nose detail)

Here is a pic of the competed front panel of the WIP as it stands today.
'Hello Kitty purse'



Both of these FO's I started and finished this week. They are for my 10 year old cousin. He is super into Pokemon right now, and has begged me to make him an Amigurumi Pokemon for Xmas. There was no possible way I was going to design and finish a design of my own, so I was lucky enough to find these two patterns as free downloads from Linda Potts of WolfDreamer off the Hook. Linda has some AMAZING videogame and cartoon related designs on Ravelry and her site. If you have a chance I highly recommend you stop by and browse her work.


For the Pokemon I decided on the 'Squirtle Plushie. He is cute and is one of the original Pokemon, so I thought it would be neat to go old-school.

Here is a picture of the animated 'Squirtle':

'Squirtle' picture from
This image is an illustration of a character or characters in a comic book, video game, or animated television program or film. The copyright for it is most likely held by either the publisher/producer and/or artist(s) producing the work in question. It is believed that the use of low-resolution images of character artwork:
for commentary on the character or characters in question,
on the English-language blog: qualifies as fair use under United States copyright law. Any other uses of this image, on this blog or elsewhere, may be copyright infringement.
Here is a picture of my finished Amigurumi 'Squirtle':

'Squirtle' Plushie (Front View)

'Squirtle' Plushie Back view

'Squirtle' Plushie Side view


No Pokemon is complete without a Pokeball, so naturally I had to make one of those also.
I used the following yarns to complete the project:

Caron Simply Soft:

White #9701
Black #9727
Autumn Red

Here it is:

In addition to all these projects I am finally making a little something for myself. I picked up a beautiful skein of Cascade 220 Quatro 5013 Chili Pepper at the Ravelry Week event at The Knitting Nest in Austin, TX. I am working on a winter hat for myself. I have not taken pictures of the WIP yet, but here is a picture of the yarn, which is just stunning!
Cascade Sierra Quatro in Chili Pepper

Well...I guess that about wraps things up for this week. I hope to share more next Wed. See you then and Thanx for reading!!!